Macadamia - a miracle nut
These nuts might not seem like much, but they’re chock-full of magnesium, which is essential for supporting bone health and brain activity and also helps fight inflammation... -
Healthy and fit with flaxseeds
Whether you go for ground seeds or the oil - flaxseeds are real all-rounders! -
Almonds - healthy nuts and so versatile
Almonds for protection against diseases - these nuts can do so much! -
Everyday superfood: sauerkraut
The local superfood. Hearty sauerkraut for health. -
Figs - a versatile fruit with natural sweetness
Fresh or dried figs? Equally delicious! -
Kelp algae - a natural source of iodine
An interesting algae rich in key nutrients - find out which ones! -
Healthy with Chia seeds
Small and yet very mighty - Chia seeds are good for our health -
Superfood cacao
Cacao, a sweet superfood. Discover what it is all about. -
Superfood beetroot
Beetroot is a superfood. We'll tell you what makes it so good for you. -
Superfood carrot
The orange vegetable and its countless health benefits. -
Superfoods - a sustainable trend?
Superfoods as real vitamin bombs? -
“Miracle grain” hemp seed
A superhero among the superfoods. -
New : Cold Pressed RAW ORGANIC Pumpkin Seed Oil
Lifefood Cold Pressed Pumpkin Seed Oil is one of the most nutritious oils available. -
New: Lifefood carob powder in true rawfood quality
Your perfect companion for cholesterol-free, fat-free and cacao-free concepts. It's finally here: The cacao-like, vegan and lactose-free fruit powder of the carob tree in TRUE raw food quality. Perfect for fantastic desserts, ice cream, smoothies and much more. -
Why pumpkin protein?
Curious what makes pumpkin protein so special and why you should use it? -
New: Raw protein superfood powders
Find out more about Lifefood’s new protein powders – truly raw and seed-based, available in three different flavours, and usable in a thousand different ways. For daily application and for EVERYONE!