Almonds are healthy, tasty and full of good and high-quality nutrients. It is not for nothing that they are probably one of the most popular nuts of all. Especially in baked goods, as a topping on muesli or simply as a snack between meals - almonds support our health in many ways. Just a small handful of nuts a day could be enough to prevent diseases such as diabetes. Strictly speaking, however, the almond does not belong to the group of nuts in a botanical sense, but is, in fact, a seed - but in most countries, it is commonly called a "nut".
The almond originally comes from California and Asia, but is now also native to many other areas. Today, for example, the seeds can also be found in Spain and Italy. You can read more in this article about where our almonds come from and what properties and health benefits they bring.

The almond - Rich in nutrients
Already many hundreds of years ago the almond was considered a noble fruit. High-quality protein (approx. 19 grams by 100 grams almonds) and healthy fats contributed significantly to the fact that Mediterranean inhabitants, in particular, remained fit and healthy. Even small amounts help to stay full for much longer.
Minerals such as magnesium and calcium help maintain healthy bones and a well-functioning musculature. More precisely, magnesium helps to relax the body and calcium helps to tense the muscles. Vitamin E also has an antioxidant effect on the body. It, therefore, protects against free radicals, which are released in increased quantities, especially in the event of inflammation.
Vitamin B1 should not be ignored either, as it strengthens our nerves when consumed regularly. It is therefore hardly surprising that almonds are found as an integral part of trail mixes nowadays. The combination of healthy fruits and nuts is the ideal companion for the day.
Regular consumption protects against diseases
The valuable nutrient composition has been proven to lower the blood sugar level. But it is not only with regard to blood sugar that one benefits from consuming almonds, but they can also help lower cholesterol levels. Whoever firmly integrates the consumption of almonds into their everyday life over a period of several weeks can already notice some changes. The reason for this is said to be the secondary plant substances contained in the almonds, such as polyphenols. Together with the many dietary fibres, this provides a good basis for healthier cholesterol levels.

Studies have also shown that almonds can have a direct effect on bone health. In one trial, one part of the participants was given about 60 grams of almonds, the other part either rice or potatoes. Only when almonds were given was it possible to notice an increase in bone density a short time later. The bone-destroying cells decreased by about 20 percent.
Almonds and their fatty acids
Many are initially frightened by the high-fat content of almonds. The almond contains about 55 grams of fat per 100 grams. But here one should distinguish between good and bad fats. Since almonds, like olives, contain only healthy fatty acids, their consumption is safe. Those who want to lose weight should therefore not avoid the delicious nuts at all. The positive nutrients and the high protein content even support weight loss if consumed in moderation.
Products with almonds from Lifefood
Especially in supermarkets, almonds are often found peeled (also an indication of heat treatment), or already ground (oxidation makes them inedible more quickly). The unpeeled nuts are much healthier and less susceptible to mould.
Our raw almonds in organic quality come unpeeled. We obtain them directly from Spain from certified organic cultivation. As a small handful of almonds is not always easy to integrate into everyday life, there is an alternative: delicious almond paste, which can be used for delicious desserts or added to muesli, for example.
For a relaxing evening with friends, our Teriyaki almonds, or our raw almond crispbread, are perfect on a plate with fresh vegetable sticks. The valuable proteins and the spicy taste make the evening of entertainment not only extremely delicious but also much healthier.
For those who like it rather sweet, our vanilla and coconut almonds will be the perfect option. These offer an ideal alternative to excessively sweetened roasted almonds without losing any vitamins and minerals.
For early risers, there is also the chocolate muesli with almonds, which not only provides valuable proteins but can also be prepared extremely quickly for those days where time is of the essence.